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The Cast of addict, 2019
Director: Emily ebanks
Full page program display ad
Plug in promotional videos ads on YouTube and social media
Mention in online display promotions
Mention on printed promotional material
Mention in media release
Mention of thanks by Director at the end of the performance
Half page program display ad
Mention in online display promotions
Mention on printed promotional material
Mention of thanks by Director at the end of the performance
Quarter page program display ad
Mention in online display promotions
Mention on printed promotional material
Mention of thanks by Director at the end of the performance
The purpose of the production is to educate teens on the dangers of drug use and addiction, in honor and support of National Red Ribbon Week. Below is an excerpt from the synopsis of the play by the publisher:
This frightening portrayal of the horrors of drug and alcohol abuse shows children and young adults yielding to the almost irresistible lure of drugs—and suffering the miserable consequences. Addict is an eye-opener for those who have not been exposed to drugs and hopefully an eye-opener for those who have. The young person's view of "it can't happen to me" becomes less clear after experiencing this convincingly powerful drama. Most anti-drug plays turn off the very people that need the message; Addict doesn't.